About us

At Motor City Micros, we grow microgreens, micro herbs, and edible flowers using healthy, earth-friendly products and practices:

  • Our plants are raised in a greenhouse and an indoor grow room where we manage temperature, humidity, and lighting so that we can grow hearty, nutrient-rich plants all year,

  • We mix our own growing medium, which is a blend of coconut coir and certified organic pro-mix that is enriched with mycorrhizae.  

  • We use organic seed as much as possible, and never use genetically engineered seed. 

  • We also never use toxic chemicals, only food-grade hydrogen peroxide + peroxyacetic acid for cleaning and mold and pest prevention.

  • Our packaging is made of compostable, plant-based plastic and recycled, non-chlorine bleached paper.

To help ensure your greens arrive as fresh and healthy as possible, we harvest by hand to minimize damage to the crops and aim to deliver your greens within 24 hours of harvest. 

Beth Fitzgerald, Motor City Micro’s owner and operator, launched MCM in July 2022, shortly after returning to her Detroit roots to be closer to family. She has quickly become a staple at several local farmer’s markets and is delighted to be a part of SE Michigan’s driving local food movement.

Beth got her start in urban farming in 2018 at ECO City Farms, a 5 acre not-for-profit farm in metro Washington DC, where she earned her certificate in urban farming. From early 2019 through 2020, Beth served as ECO’s farm manager with responsibility for overseeing farm operations, produce marketing, and ECO’s experiential learning program for aspiring urban farmers. In 2021, Beth apprenticed at Little Wild Things Farm to hone her knowledge and skills in growing and marketing microgreens.

Prior to her career as a farmer, Beth spent thirty years as an environmental and food justice advocate leading campaigns on issues such as sustainable seafood and the development of national organic standards that benefit family farmers, public health, and the environment.

Far left: kale, cabbage, Pac Choi; center: pea shoots; above: sunflower shoots.

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